Fr Jim was born in Dundee and was educated in the local Catholic schools. After completing a degree in Zoology and Microbiology at Dundee University he worked for various conservation charities. In his late 20’s he entered the National Scots College in Glasgow where he trained for the priesthood.

Ordained in 2005 he served for four years as the Assistant Priest in Monifieth, Carnoustie, and Arbroath, before being appointed Parish Priest at St Stephen’s Blairgowrie, St Luan’s Alyth, and St Mary’s Coupar Angus, from 2010 to 2013. From December 2013 Fr Jim served the parishes in the North East of Dundee until his appointment as Spiritual Director at the Scots College in Rome in May 2018.

This four year appointment concluded in June 2022 whereafter he took up the appointment as Parish Priest in St Mary’s Lochee, and (from 2022-23) as Moderator to the parishes of Ss Leonard’s & Fergus, and St Columba’s.

Fr Jim also helps coordinate Chaplain cover for Ninewells hospital.

YearsPriests-in-charge at St Mary’s Lochee
and their predecessors…..
1989-Rev. John J. O’Farrell OBE
1980-1989Rt. Rev. Mgr. John B. Hanlon VG
1977-1990Fr Edmund Purcell
1966-1977Rt. Rev. Mgr. Hamish Stuart VG
1961-1966Very Rev. J Canon O’Donogue
1935-1961Canon Joseph Keenan
1920-1930Canon John Kilcullen
1914-1920Fr John O’Neill
1900-1914Canon Thomas Crumly
1888-1900Fr Alphonsus Van de Rydt
1880-1888Fr Peter Butti
1872-1880Fr Francis Beurms
1867-1872Fr Peter Grant
1865-1867Fr Francis McKerrell (later Rt. Rev.)
Mission at Wellburn
1860-1865Fr George Davidson
1858-1859Fr Laurence Dunne
1856-1857Fr Augustine Kinsella
1853-1855Fr William Smith (later Archbishop Smith)
1848-1853Fr William Bennett
1847Fr Stephen Keenan
From 1836Fr John Macpherson
1787Fr William Pepper established
the first Catholic chapel
in Dundee